Wednesday 19 September 2012

Soya granules Thoran

Its really confusing when we try to make a dish using soya chunks or soya ganules.. I tried to make this in a simple way with grated coconut and here is the recipe below. It was really tasty with minimum time required for cooking

Soya granules -2 cups
grated coconut 3/4 cup
jeera powder- 1/2 a pinch
turmeric powder- 1/2 tspn
onion -1/2 of a big one
green chillies -2 -3 nos
curry leaves- few

I have used nutella brand of soya granules. cook soya in lavish amount of water for 5 minutes. squeeze out water and wash repeatedly for 4-5 times till the water coming out is clear. Remember all yellowish water has to be gone or else it will taste bitter.

Heat oil , crack some mustards, saute chopped onions, green chillies and curry leaves. once a nice flavour start coming add the grated coconut saute for few seconds. add turmeric and jeera powder.saute again. now add the soya granules, mix well adn sprinkle some salt on top . mix for some 1 minute .its done

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