Wednesday 19 September 2012

Mysore Pak

Am so happy to share this recipe with all of you here as I got it successfully this time with full shape and taste.  I became a bit kanjoos on adding the ghee part as have already have enough calories in store But I truly recommend to make it even more smoother and tastier you definitely need to have more ghee. Well see my recipe and very importantly follow the tips I have shared here. Becoz I have had flops in making this three times and finally at the fourth attempt got it right. :D

Gram flour -1 cup
Sugar -1& 1/2 cup
Ghee -1 cup ( you can increase the quantity of ghee or can aded 1/2 cup of oil too to make it more softer)
Water -1/2 cup

The ingredients and recipe seem to be simpler .But the most toughest part is to get the right consistency.

Melt the ghee and add 2-3 tbsp of hot ghee to the gram flour and mix thoroughly using hand.. In a pan caramelize the sugar by adding water to a single thread consistency. Add the gram flour slowly in 2 batches to avoid formation of lumps.Keep on stirring. Add ghee slowly 1 to 2 tbspn at a time and continue stirring. One main thing to remember while making mysore pak is u have to stir continuously and dont take your hand out of the pan. once the flour forms the shape of a chappathi dough it is ready to take out. If you keep a little more it will become lumps and the desired shape wont be got. Also if the time is lesser then it will become like a halwa. so take it out when it start separating from the sides of the pan and forming a dough shape.
Spread it on a greased plate. Allow it to cool for 5 minutes. Cut while hot into shapes. Take it out once it is cold.

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