Wednesday 19 September 2012


Hot and Crispy Jalebis Made using Urad daal ( very simple and easy one) --- Courtesy Vanita Magazine and Dr Lakshmi Nair

Urad Dhal - 1 cup (soak in water for 1 hr)
Food colour - 1 /4 tspn
Oil - as reqd for frying
Sugar - 2 cups
water - 1 1/4 cup
Rose water- 1 spn

Grind the soaked dhal in mixer without water. Add food colour to this.
In a pan make the syrup of the sugar. once the sugar is dissolved reduce the flame to simmer and keep it ON throughout as the syrup needs to be hot always. and if the syrup thickens can add water in between to loosen the consistency. Please note that the sugar NEED NOT be thickened. Add rose water to the syrup.

Heat oil in a pan for frying and squeeze out the jalebis to the oil and fry both sides and immediately dip it in the sugar syrup. keep it in sugar syrup for 10 minutes and then spread it on a plate for cooling.
U can make a hole in a cloth and pour the batter to this and by folding the cloth squeeze out the batter to desired shapes.

Tips :
1 ) Its better to use a sauce bottle than a cloth as it is much easier and can avoid dangers.
2 ) The oil has to be MEDIUM hot otherwise the batter will spread in oil and wont get the shape correctly. You can remove the pan out of fire and squeeze 2-3 jalebis on to the oil and then put it back as this is much easier . and always take care to keep the flame on medium
3 ) If added 2 tbspn of rice flour to the batter it will come out more crispier
4) Also after grinding the batter using the hand or a spatula beat it upside down so as to give proper aeration for easy flowing. or else it will come out as sprays.

Immediately after taking out from sugar syrup the jalebis might find a little softier but dont worry when it gets cooled it will be crispier and yummier

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